Hebert High School Alumni Association History

The closing of Hebert High School in 1982 caused a void in the adjustment of many whose lives had been touched by its existence. Being cognizant of this fact, the fall of 1984, the late Ralph Wilson (Class of 1953) envisaged a means to foster and “Keep the Pride Alive” A meeting was hosted at the Pride of Beaumont Masonic Temple with others who shared the same interest. Mr. Wilson stated that the purpose of the meeting was to organize and make plans to reminisce and socialize at a “Mass Reunion.” He also stated that he and Al Vincent Bernard (Class of 1967) had been working on a tentative proposal with input from Mr. Enous Minix, and this was presented at the next meeting. At the next meeting in the Spring of 1985, ideas and suggestion were exchanged, thereby giving rise to the formation of the Hebert High Alumni Association. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Bernard were unanimously chosen as co-chairmen of the planning committee for a Mass Reunion. First matter of discussion included dates, time, and place; monetary figures, attendees, schedule of events (programs) and guidelines for participants. In April of 1985, alumni and ex-students were informed about the Reunion through organized classes. The co-chairmen selected a secretary, treasurer and business manager. A steering committee was made up of volunteer, which included: Time & Place, Finance, Hospitality, Social and Entertainment, Awards, Fashion and Talent Show, Transportation, Decorations and a Sunday Worship and Memorial Service. At the May, 1985 meeting, the Housing and Negotiating Committee recommended the Holiday Inn Beaumont Plaza as the headquarters for the First Mass Reunion. The dates chosen were June 19-11, 1986. Every three years since 1986 until now, The Hebert High School Alumni Association has successfully hosted a Mass Reunion.

Presidents of the Hebert High School Alumni Associations:

Over 30 years have passed since our first reunion, and numerous scholarships have been awarded to descendants (those of biological or legal guardianship) of Hebert High Alumna/Alumnus each year since 1992. Annual fund-raisers, fees from membership cards and other donations provide funds for the scholarships. We greatly appreciate individuals, businesses and classes who generously donated to the scholarship fund.

We recognize and salute: